Exploring the Kotlin Standard Library Part 2
In Part 1 of this series, I went through the default Kotlin namespace. In Part 2 I'll be going over kotlin.io.
Most of the public function in kotlin.io are overloaded versions of print and println, which all delegate to System.out.
kotlin.io also introduces readLine for reading lines from stdin and the use method. The use method is a great example of a general purpose extension method. The signature illustrates how to create an extension method that will apply to every class that implements Closeable:
public inline fun <T: Closeable, R> T.use(block: (T)-> R) : R
The iterate method from the default namespace works very well with the readLine method. A function to count the number of lines from stdin would look as follows:
fun main(args: Array<String>) = iterate{ readLine() }.count({ true })
The following example uses the 'use' method to read the text from a reader while managing its lifecycle:
// gets the contents fo the reader and then closes it var contents = reader.use { it.readText() }
The use method will return whatever the closure returns (in this case, the contents of the reader as a String).
kotlin.io extends java.io.File, java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream, java.io.Reader, java.io.Writer, java.io.BufferedReader and java.net.URL.
For reading files or streams, the API docs distinguish between those methods that can be used on huge amounts of data and those that can't. Those that can't are the ones that wait for the entire file to be read before returning a result e.g. readLines, whereas the those that use a closure or iterator pull data lazily. The following calls should not be used with huge amounts of data
- readBytes
- readLines
- readText
The following can be used for huge amounts of data:
- copyTo
- forEachBlock
- forEachLine
For InputStreams, Readers and Writers, the caller is typically responsible for closing the various streams, the exception being the useLines method.
The Kotlin stdlib enhances with java.io.File with a number of useful methods: copyTo, forEachBlock, forEachLine, isDescendant, listFiles, readBytes, readLines, readText, reader, recurse, relativePath, writeBytes, writeText
The following is an example of copyTo being used:
Note the following:
- copyTo only works on files (not directories)
- copyTo will create the target directory
- copyTo will overwrite the target file
- if the source file can't be found a FileNotFoundException will be thrown
- copyTo will block until the file is written
As an example, the forEachBlock method could be used to provide a version of copyTo that reports progress as the target file is written as follows:
/** * Copies a file and calls the closure with the current number * of bytes read as each block is read * to indicate progress */ public fun File.copyToWithProgress(file: File, closure : (Long) -> Unit) { file.directory.mkdirs() val output = FileOutputStream(file) output.use{ var length = 0.toLong() this.forEachBlock { bytes, size -> length += size output.write(bytes, 0, size) closure(length) } } }
Here are a few more examples of what can be done with kotlin.io
// forEachLine // // reads all the lines from a file and prints them out File("/tmp/from.txt").forEachLine { println(it) } // isDescendent // // Confirms that from.txt is a descendant of /tmp val isDescendent = File("/tmp/from.txt").isDescendant(File("/tmp")) // listFiles // // Lists all the subdirectories in /tmp val files = File("/tmp").listFiles{ it.isDirectory() } // readBytes // // reads all the bytes from /tmp/from.bin val bytes = File("/tmp/from.bin").readBytes() // readLines // // reads all the lines from /tmp/from.txt into a list // and then runs through each line in the list and prints it out val lines = File("/tmp/from.txt").readLines() lines.forEach { println(it) } // readText // // reads all the text from /tmp/from.txt into a string // and then checks if it contains a multiline string val text = File("/tmp/from.txt").readText() val found = text.contains("hello world !") // reader // // creates a reader and calls useLines on it val fileReader = File("/tmp/from.txt").reader().useLines { // same as calling forEachLine } // recurse // // recurse through all the files in /tmp and print out their names File("/tmp").recurse { println(it.name) } // relativePath // // returns nested/directory/file.txt File("/tmp").relativePath(File("/tmp/nested/directory/file.txt")) // writeBytes // // write Hello World as bytes to /tmp/helloworld.bin File("/tmp/helloworld.bin").writeBytes("Hello World!".getBytes()) // writeText // // write Hello World as bytes to /tmp/helloworld.txt File("/tmp/helloworld.txt").writeText("Hello World!")